A review by bookedandbusybookblog
Accidental Man Whore by Katherine Stevens


I am a Katherine Stevens virgin. I had never heard of her until I came across Accidental Man Whore.

I’m in love.

I adored this book! Ben is sweet, sexy, determined to help his father pay for his hospital bills. When an opportunity presents itself, Ben jumps at the chance...without really asking too many questions.

Miryam was on cloud nine..a fiance, a great job, life was good. Until that fiance dumped her and she needed someone to step into the roll of her now “ex” at family functions. In comes Ben, as the stand in fiance and things go from crazy to hilarious!!

The relationship between Miryam and Ben is hysterical yet unbelievable hot. They don’t really care for each other from the start yet are immediately drawn to one another. Their banter, sexual chemistry and bond made for an excellent story along with all of the secondary characters who had me laughing my ass off.

Accidental Man Whore is funny with a side of serious drama. I loved every single character is the book and found the story very entertaining! This is definitely a one-click!!