A review by readtiltheworldisblurry
The Secret History by Donna Tartt


Well... I was describing the first half of this book to my brother and he looked at me and went, "So it's like Knives Out?" And honestly, that is pretty fair.

For anyone who is confused, Knives Out is a murder mystery where we find out who is killed and who the killer is right away. It then shows what leads up to the murder and why they did it and the aftermath of trying not to get caught. But in Knives Out, there is a big twist in the mystery at the end. I love Knives Out so the comparison explains why I also liked this book so much. When I was reading this, I got halfway through and wondered where it could go from here and it surprised me. I really enjoyed the pacing and the structure of the story. With such a tight group of friends with a lot of history, there was details revealed without exposition and that is where the first person narration is a massive benefit.

This is not for everyone and, just like Knives Out, it's elite, rich white people saying really out of touch and uncomfortable things. It's also used in the same way, to show how horrible our main characters are. But, as a whole, it was really good.