A review by emays7
When People Are Big and God is Small: Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependency, and the Fear of Man by Edward T. Welch


Welch doesn't dress up the truth! At times what he was saying was a hard pill to swallow (and felt almost brutal!), but it was very helpful stuff and grounded in truth rather than what his audience might want to hear. In particular, chapter 9 "Know Your Real Needs" had many of these moments as it strongly went against the modern, Western cultural grain and challenged the idea that we have psychological needs at all. This is a helpful book for those who struggle with under-confidence or over-confidence (in other words, anyone).

The book's quality was compromised, however, by its lack of defining terms and development of thought. Welch's handling of scripture often frustratingly included interpretive jumps and unsubstantiated claims. However, I appreciated the fact that he clearly aimed to base his argument on the Bible as it was present throughout the whole book.

NB: interesting content on what it means to be in the image of God