A review by jameshaus
How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer


Really good book on how brain works and how decision making works. Basically it teaches you the differences between decisions based on reason, and decisions based on emotion and asserts that people discount emotional decision making way too much. Sometimes your emotions are distilling the sum of your experience very rapidly and should be listened too, sometimes they lead you astray. Of course, reason sometimes leads you astray as well. The utility of this book is giving you some guideposts to figure out when you should listen to your instincts and when you should let your analytical mind take over. Very good, highly recommended.

On a side note, there's an interesting tie-in to comfortable with uncertainty which is a book on Buddhism. Both this, that book and even the power of now advise you to think about how you think all the time. Interesting to hear it from the spiritual side then read about this guy coming at it from a completely scientific, neurobiological perspective.