A review by ofbooksandromance
And All Their Stars by Riley Nash


5 “Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow” stars

“There’s no reason to be afraid, because you’re my yesterday, my today, and all my tomorrows. I don’t have a past, present, or future that isn’t you.”

This is not a standalone and must be read after [b:Make Me Fall|60577344|Make Me Fall (Water, Air, Earth, Fire, #2)|Riley Nash|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1646787444l/60577344._SY75_.jpg|95479561]. I will try my hardest to not spoil Make Me Fall in this review, as this is a novella to catch up with the couple in that book after their happy ever after, but I did try my hardest to not include any spoilers for Make Me Fall in this review.

One of my favourite book I have read this year is Make me Fall by Riley Nash. That book was just so perfect to me and reading it is still one of the best reading experience I have ever had in my life. I still cherish that book and I don’t think I will get over it. It’s just one that stays with you and refuses to leave you no matter what. So imagine how happy I was when the author announced a fairly long novella about the couple of that book, to show what they are up to and how their happy ever after is going for them.

And i’m happy to report that this might have been the most perfect novella I have ever read in my life. I never have rated a novella 5 stars before because they always seem to be missing something for me due to their length, but this one was just perfect. This included everything I could have ever asked for and it was done in the most perfect way ever.

This is only my 13th 5 stars book of the entire year and another one of those is Make Me Fall, so if this doesn’t tell you how much I just adore the couple in these two books, then I don’t know what will.

Brief summary
Jonah and Gray have been together for 2 and a half years. This story is about their life together and their journey to start their family.

I am larger, better than I thought. 
I did not know I held so much goodness… 
You have done such good to me.”

I don’t think I have often cried as much reading a book as I cried while reading this one. And most of it were tears of pure happiness for Jonah and Gray and the life that they achieved together. I just went on such a journey with these characters and seeing them being happy and getting the happy ever after that they alwayd wanted just made me so happy and so emotional that I kept crying while reading this story.

I was honestly way too emotional while I read this book. I read this story in one sitting and I had to stop reading about 10 times so I could wipe my face because I was crying too much to even see my kindle’s screen. And nothing about this book was particularly that sad or angsty. What got me was all of the feels I have for Jonah and Gray. They just are one of the best couple I have ever read about in a book and seeing them so happy together and finally getting everything that they both have ever wanted out of life just made me cry so much. I’m so invested in Jonah and Gray’s life and because of that I had all of the emotions while reading this book.

Jonah and Gray are just such fantastic characters. Jonah is just so sweet and patient, but also loving and caring and he shows it through everything he does. Gray is also sweet and loving, but he has a harder edge to him, due to him not having the best upbringing ever. These two characters are just so well fleshed out that it always feels like they will jump off the page and because actual humans. I just love them both so much.

But what I love the most is Jonah and Gray as a couple. I am not kidding when I tell you that these two are now one of my favourite book couple of all time. They are just so perfect together. I just love everything about their couple. This story gave us so many scenes of Jonah and Gray doing cute domestic things together and it melted my heart to read each and every one of them. I just loved seeing them be so domestic with each other. Also I just love their connection so much. They are the definition of what being soulmates is. They just compliment each other perfect. They always seem to balance each other and to provide the comfort and the stability that the other needs, in every given situation. Also, I just love how they are always there for each other and would stand on each other’s side no matter what. But mostly, I love how they fight all of their battles together, as a unit. I love how much care and love they have for each other and I love how that shows in everything that they do. I love how they would never do anything to wrong each other because they love each other so much that that would never be an option. I just love the way that they always listen to each other and how they always seem to know when something is wrong. They are always there for each other, no matter what and I just adore that. And when they happens, I just love how they are always there for each other through it all.

I’m going to hold you, and take care of you, and remind you to smile every single day for the rest of our lives.

I just so happy to read more about Jonah and Gray’s life and I just adored reading about the life that they made for themselves, it was so perfectly them and it just suited them so much. This book was just the perfect glimpse into the lives of a couple that I really love reading about.

In conclusion, Jonah and Gray are just one of my favourite book couples of all time. I just love these guys so much. This couple have been a 2000 pages sequel all about them and their love and I still would have devoured every page of it like I was starved for even more content. They are just such a perfect couple and one that I never tired myself of reading about. If you see me re-reading this book and Make Me Fall like 10 times this year, it’s probably because it will be very hard for me to find any book that will compare to how much I love these two books and this couple.

I received an ARC of this book and this is my honest review