A review by miztrebor
Treason by S.M. Boyce


*This is a review of an ARC copy of Treason

I don’t think I’ve had as great of a reaction to any book as I have this one; well not since I read The Grimoire: Lichgates back in February. S.M. Boyce comes back with book two of the Grimoire trilogy, and comes back STRONG! I honestly didn’t think Lichgates could be topped on my all-time favorites list. Treason surpassed it with flying colors.

For those readers who have read Lichgates already, they know how talented Boyce is in creating the world of Ourea. For those who don’t know, let me tell you. Boyce’s world-building skills haven’t diminished since book one. They may even have gotten better. Ourea, all of its kingdoms, hidden nooks and crannies, the glimpses of the real world that the reader gets, they all show such beauty while having constant danger everywhere. Ourea is a dangerous place. It goes with the territory. Despite the danger it’s a place I’d love to visit if it were to be real.

What I also enjoyed were the new characters in Treason. All the old favorites from Lichgates are back as well, don’t worry about missing them. They come back even better this time! The complexities of all S.M.’s characters allow for plot twists, extensive and unfolding histories, hope and fear for the future. Each character has an agenda and each character influences others whether they know it or not.

It’s this complex world and character system that makes Treason, and The Grimoire Trilogy in general, what it really is. It’s an epic movie unfolding before the reader’s eyes. I don’t know if I was really reading the words on a page, as much as I was watching vivid images play in my head. I couldn’t not turn the page even when a chapter was over. I wanted to keep reading in order to find out what was in store for Kara, Braeden, and the rest of my favorite characters (especially the adorable fur-ball Flick).

I could go on for hours pointing out what I loved about this book. I also am confident in saying I have nothing negative to say…nothing at all…about this book. There are plot twists galore. There’s also one MAJOR twist that even after reading it a few times to make sure I read it correctly I still didn’t see coming. I can’t believe it really. It was so seamlessly and stealthily thrown in there, it was like “*POW* I’m a ninja.” If I had the space to do so, I would have been flipping and bouncing off the walls of my room. No lie.

I only have one last thing to say. Boyce, please for the love of all things bookily holy…please go write Heritage. I NEED to complete my journey through Ourea with Kara!!!!!