A review by scvallese1
Dance With Me by Kristen Proby


After reading the previous eleven books in this series, it's safe to say that you become invested in this boisterous, loving, and inclusive family. And with each additional book, you fall more and more in love with past characters, care about all of the new characters, and appreciate the shenanigans they get into. Dance With Me brought me back to Seattle!

Starla. She's been on top of the world for years. Levi meets her, and the chemistry is instant, but after one night together, they go their separate ways. But stress brings Starla back to Seattle so that she can regroup since she has worked herself to the bone since her fiance died five years prior. Levi didn't like the way things left off before, and wants to see if things can move forward for him and Starla.

I loved how down-to-Earth Starla was when she visited the gang in previous books, and we got to really get to know her in Dance With Me. And Levi is hot- and sexy, and strong, and supportive. And I think that that word is what I find most distinctive with Kristen Proby's books: she writes strong, independent women and men that complement them, and don't want to stifle their strength.

Dance With Me is a wonderful addition to the With Me In Seattle series! I loved getting to revisit the old group, get to know the newer characters, and just hang out with family.

**Update** I have also listened to the audio of Dance With Me. Lee Samuels and Kirsten Leigh did a great job bringing Levi and Starla to life, although Kirsten Lee's male voice kind of annoyed me at first.