A review by wulfwyn
The Bond: Conqueror by Phillip Hall, A.C. Hall


What an interesting book. When I first heard of it I thought, "guy book but I'll give it a shot. I don't have to be in love with a books synopsis to read it and honestly review it." When I saw the cover I thought, "Star Trek Enterprise. Or maybe Star Wars." Well I was kind of right and kind of wrong.
There is only one woman in the entire book. I don't think I have ever read a book where there was only one woman character and mention of one other. I want to say this bothered me but the truth is I was halfway through the book before I thought, "what happened to the women?" Strangely I really was not disturbed that I was reading a book that had only a single living woman in it. I am not convinced the authors really knew what to do with her either. She had moments where she was portrayed as weak and then she had moments where she bravely went where I do think she was meant to go, (at least not in terms of being the "weaker sex").
I was surprised by who my favorite character in the book turned out to be. But seriously I really connected to the Harbinger. When he went into a battle and was thought to have died my heart broke. Now I hear you all going but what is wrong with the Harbinger? Well he is a man-beast assassin. Not a character you would really associate as being the favorite. A piece of advice from the Harbinger is found on page 225, "If you kill everyone else, I mean everyone you see, then there will be no one left alive to kill you." So how is it he is my favorite? Because he is snarky and I love snark. I also felt like he is also a tortured soul and you all know what emotion a tortured soul can bring out. Of the Harbinger, on page 216, Charles shrugged,"He grows on you." Yes he does.
The first line in the book that really stopped my heart came on page 52, when the three; the Charles - the Bounty Hunting Professor, Sean - the student at Bounty Hunting University and Penelope - of the only woman fame, were on board a pirate ship. Yes I said pirate. There are pirates in this book! Charles and the leader of the pirates were talking and then "Challenge you for leadership of the Gray Buccaneers," said Charles. WHAT?! I am certain that, and stronger thoughts, were what went on in everyone on that space ship's mind.
This book was a surprise for me. The Hall Brothers set out to entertain and they did. Big time. There was a lot of action, adventure, intrigue and jealousy with the possibility of romance in a future book, (there is a future book right Phillip and A.C.??).