A review by rachelcdm
Dinner with a Vampire by Abigail Gibbs


I blame Twilight for the spawn of a whole genre of books like THIS;

"Dinner With a Vampire"


This book is AWFUL. The blurb sounded promising, it gave the impression of a dark, alternate world that a young girl finds herself trapped in - DO NOT BE FOOLED. It is the latest in Vampire fiction, and (dare I say it?) The worst one yet. The protagonist is a pathetic girl who falls for the Vampire "Prince" who captures her.

What the male lead IS NOT:

- Sexy.....no, no, no....no.

- Charming. (Far from it, he threatens to RAPE her - yeah because that's totally swoon-worthy and not a reason to stitch up your own vajajay.)

- Mysterious (She hears him have sex with other vampires on a frequent basis, kind of takes the "mystery" out of him.)

- Funny -_-

What the female lead IS NOT:

- Interesting (She gives Bella Swan a run for her money in the whining department.)

- Intelligent (If she were intelligent she would know that threatening RAPE is not a form of foreplay!)

- Funny -_-

I genuinely think the author was high when she was writing this.

This book ticks off every mind-numbing cliche and after finishing the first 400 pages I just couldn't bring myself to drag myself through the last 100. At least this way I can convince myself that the "heroine" died tragically while her love-interest was trapped in his own bondage. Far more satisfying.

Awful. Just truly, truly awful.

I just found out that the author began writing and posting this novel at fifteen before publishing it three years later. For a fifteen year old the writing shows a lot of promise, that being said after accepting a publishing deal she should have fine-tuned her book A LOT. I still don't think that the threat of rape should be thrown around so lightly in a YA novel and generally this new information doesn't change my opinion all that much.