A review by moonofpages_
The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed


4/5 stars

This book really took me by surprise, it wasn't even on my tbr, I just stumbled upon it and started reading it, and I am so happy I did that!

It was such an inspiring story that everybody should read, I've never read a book about rape culture before and it's a very hard topic but it was somehow represented in a beautiful way.
I also really liked that in the story, the girls stick together, no matter how different they are from each other, they all stand together and face the same fear as one team.

“Silence does not mean yes. No can be thought and felt but never said. It can be screamed silently on the inside. It can be in the wordless stone of a clenched fist, fingernails digging into palm. Her lips sealed. Her eyes closed. His body just taking, never asking, never taught to question silence”

This book also made me hate men a little more than I already did before but oh well :D The guys in this book were just horrible in every way of the definition. I did like Otis and Jesse and I was happy that they didn't make all the boys in this story douchebags.

The characters were so amazing in this book, I really felt for them and I liked that they were so diverse and unique in their own kind of way. I think I liked Erin the most, I also like her bond with her dog spot, and how he can really calm her down. I also think she grew so much throughout the story, I felt really proud of her that she felt confident to talk about everything at the end.
I liked that Rosina was both a very strong, independent woman but also very sensitive and sometimes afraid of what would happen. Grace was very fierce and brave and I adored that she wouldn't give up until she accomplished what she wanted.

When I was reading this book it went so fast, I was never able to put it down and I never felt like I had to push myself to continue.

I did want to see a little bit more of Erin and Otis and I really wanted to know who the two of them would grow more to each other, but besides that, this book really did something with me and I would recommend this to anyone, it has such an important message and it is really really good!

“You save yourself or you remain unsaved.”