A review by romancejunkie1025
Tall, Dark, and Vampire by Sara Humphreys


Tall, Dark, and Vampire is a wonderful addition to any reader’s shelf, but fans of the Amoveo series will find it especially great to read. Full of the humor that you always experience with Humphreys’ writing but with a bit of a darker twist, there is love and passion, action and discovery, reunions and changes, Olivia and Doug’s story is worth every second. Doug and Olivia are so obviously soul mates that experiencing their fears and watching them deal with their issues shows that even the most powerful and deadly beings are as human as the rest of us in the end. It was also great to meet other individuals in Olivia’s world, maybe giving us a glimpse of future stories in the series. I am glad I gave this spin-off a chance and look forward to reading the next story, though I will look forward to reading future possible Amoveo stories too. Keep them coming Ms. Humphreys!
Rating: 4.5 stars
For full review see my blog at: http://romancewitchreviews.blogspot.com/2013/07/arc-review-tall-dark-and-vamprie.html