A review by cakt1991
Searching for You by Jody Hedlund


Review originally posted here: https://courtneyreadsromancesite.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/review-of-searching-for-you-orphan-train-3-by-jody-hedlund/

For the most part, enjoyed Searching for You as a conclusion to the Orphan Train series. While I did initially feel it was a little slow in developing, especially with Reinhold and Sophie not interacting in the book until over a hundred pages in, although their prior acquaintance keeps the relationship from feeling too rushed.

And once I did get past the slow bits, I could appreciate what it did in terms of further establishing who they were beyond what I knew about them from prior books. Both Reinhold and Sophie are flawed, and have made mistakes in their past, including the one that was the inciting incident on Sophie’s part, but their hearts are both in the right place, and I loved seeing them find out that the right paths for each of them might not be what they initially anticipated. I also very much enjoyed seeing Elise and Marianne again and getting an update on them as well to close out the series.

And, as has consistently been the case with this series, I love how the story touches on aspects of a historical movement I knew very little about, this time focusing very heavily on the orphan’s perspective. This shined through the portrayal of various characters, including Sophie, as well as Nicholas and Olivia, the children she has helped to raise.

I am quite sad to see this series come to a close, but quite satisfied that with the way it turned out. I would recommend this to other fans of well-researched historical fiction/romance.