A review by bookishhill
How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole


3.5/5 ⭐️s

Alyssa Cole is an absolute joy to read. She throws so many fun tropes into Makeda and Bez’s story! Fake marriage, bodyguard trope, forced proximity, only one bed…I loved them all!

Bez and Makeda were a really fun couple that seemed to bring out the best in each other. I love that Bez so easily stoked Makeda’s ire because she’s a terminal people pleaser with everyone else in her life. And I like that Makeda listened to Bez without making her feel off.

The secret princess storyline is honestly the book’s weakest point, and I thought Cole’s choices in wrapping it up how she did were odd and came out of nowhere. I think a lot of that can be attributed to the book’s pacing, but since it’s the non-princessy moments that were my faves (the ladies at the B&B and on the ship), I’m choosing not to judge too harshly.

Spice: 1/5