A review by gr8reader
Bridge of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris


This is another book that will sit on the bookshelf in my mind for years to come. One that I will take down, rifle through it's pages and wonder about the characters - where they are now, what they are up to.....but also to think about where they were then, who they were, what they went through. This story tells of 3 families, each with their own losses and tragedies. This story told a tale of a Japanese American who fell in love with his best friend's sister at the brink of war with Japan. How the brother falls for his sister's best friend. Of the experience of Japanese Americans during the internment and to those who love them. It is about choices made, about the results of those choices, coming to forgive those responsible for events that happen. (doing my best to not be a spoiler)

This was quite encompassing - covering a college baseball hopeful who enlists to fight for his country and later uses his 'fame' and skill to organize a life saving game; a woman who finds herself becoming a baseball pro, traveling the country until a family health emergency calls her home; a man who enlists to prove himself to be the American many feel he isn't because of his culture; a man who learns to love again after opening his home to women displaced because of the war; about POW camps; about love, hope and finding happiness despite all the heartbreak.

There were times my reading was slowed down by McMorris' way with words...times it was slowed because I was caught up in the melody coming across the pages as Maddie played a soulful tune on her violin...and times that my reading was slowed because of the tears that were streaming down my face.

Yes, this book will be joining the likes of "Hotel on The Corner of Bitter and Sweet" and "Those Who Save Us"