A review by ericbuscemi
The Flash, Vol. 1: Move Forward by Francis Manapul


A resounding meh. I picked this up because I wanted to know more about The Flash ahead of his spin-off show coming to television this fall. Despite the #1 on the cover, this latest reboot is not the story you are looking for if you are not terribly familiar with the character.
And let's be honest, while he and his red tights are familiar, he is not Batman or Superman, so they could have done a lot more than totally skipping his origin and giving just one very brief paragraph (top right corner of the picture below) explaining how his powers come from the "Speed Force" and showing how he can now change into his costume using some sort of magic ring.
One highlight was the art, which was gorgeous, and the story, while bland, wasn't bad, it just wasn't what I was looking for. I'll scout around elsewhere for a different iteration of his origin and some "must read" story lines.