A review by sipsoffiction
The Sky at Night by Samantha Lovelock



“I don’t know what we take with us when our time here is up, but just in case, when we’re old and gray and my time has come, I want the memory of this perfect moment to be with me in the next life.”

enemies to lovers & rockstar romance

sold—and as i was reading, i was more and more intrigued by the overall storyline. not what i was expecting at all but totally here for. 

Hali, who is a mean girl, and someone you cannot stand in the beginning, which makes sense since she’s a mean girl. but then it’s was as if a switch is flipped and she’s a nice girl. now don’t get me wrong, i am routing for her to end up being a good person by the end. it is just that everything happened kind of quickly. the paced seemed off. this is where i wish there was more
details to the story. i feel like Hali should have made some mistakes before becoming or even trying to become a nice person. i mean she talks about how she was programmed her whole life to be who she was, mean person. i think if there were more details that the pacing slowed down this book could be really, really good. 

i think this book would have the power to destroy me if there was more to it.