A review by ordinarilybi
The Bi-ble: An Anthology of Essays on Bisexuality by Lauren Nickodemus, Ellen Desmond


This is obviously a bit harder to rate, since those are all personal essays with sometimes intimate looks into the authors' lives. So let me just say this: If you want to read about various experiences relating to bisexuality, then this is certainly the right book for you - regardless of whether you yourself are bisexual or not. Heck, not even all the voices collected here are bisexual! (The majority is, though.) But they all have once ID'd as such or feel otherwise connected to the struggles and joys of being bisexual.

As for who gets to tell part of their story: Afaik most authors are women with two male and two nonbinary authors (of twenty in total), most of them being cis as well. Three essays explicitly dicuss their experiences in relation to being BIPoC (one being Indian British and two being Black authors).

The editors have provided the following CNs: sexual assault, rape, self-harm, discussion of suicide.
Personally, I want to add occasional cissexist language, though this if fortunately not the norm and only applies to the 2017 edition. I don't know whether it has been revised in the 2019 edition.