A review by chwaters
Winter's End by Jean-Claude Mourlevat


It's kind of like...a post-apocalyptic Les Mis! And I loved it. There's really something unique about this one. It seems so much richer and more sophisticated than many that would claim to share the genre. Alternating between four narrators, all escapees from state-run, prison-like boarding schools, the plot thickens when they learn more about their past and what it might mean for the future. There's so much more going on than can be addressed in a lil' ol' book review. I can only recommend reading this book to see where the plot leads. I found it unpredictable, but never jarring. Tense, but bittersweet. Themes of unity, conviction, strength and love abound in unexpected ways. I loved it. The only part of this book that I didn't completely love was the epilogue. But it did let me know that this novel stands alone. No sequels in the future. And at this point in the game, it's refreshing to know that authors can actually tell a satisfying story in one book.