A review by dapper
Tormented Girl by Lexie Winston


I’m liking Harlow less and less as the series continues. She talks so much about wanting family and friends but she’s super shitty to the ones she’s always had. Her sister is clearly in need of some emotional support but Harlow ignores/forgets to call her like she’s been doing for the past several weeks and she couldn’t find 5 minutes to pick up the phone and talk to Melinda or Chuck. Gross.

It also bothers me that everything makes her horny and how often she’s caught ogling the men. Men who stare at women’s body’s as long and hard as she does would be considered perverted and Harlow definitely comes off as a creepy pervert. You can appreciate the opposite sexes bodies without it becoming so distracting that everyone in the room notices and your name needs to be called several times to bring you out of a sex trance. Gross.

And lastly, this book was boring. She forgave Jaxon way too easily in my opinion and she does all the heavy lifting to develop the relationships. It’s cool that she goes for what she wants, but coupled with my prior paragraph, the picture of who Harlow is feels.. desperate. Weak, desperate and so involuntarily celibate that her nipples harden when a dude breathes in her direction.