A review by rashthedoctor
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #21 by Robert Venditti


Hal jordan and the green lantern corps 21 - 2 stars of 5 stars

Hal jordan and the green lantern corps 2016 : The Prism of Time - 3 stars of 5 stars

Book Succinct :

The Green and Yellow Lantern are now working as a team to protect peace and bring justice in the galaxy but trouble has come from future to break this coalition with weapons that don't even get bothered by the power rings of Green Lanterns .

What I liked :

The art remains one of the best things for the book , this book compared to it's predecessor consisted of a different style in regards to the art but it resembled the original style very closely .

The story line managed to utilize all 4 of the key Green Lantern corpsmen , i.e , Hal , Kyle , Jon and Guy very well , which during the previous issue was one of the cons for me .

The introduction of the future element brought about certain uncertainty with what route this issue will be taking in the future and I'm all excited about it .

What I didn't Like :

The story was a bit too slow in my opinion to start and get into motion .

The whole event tried to bring some emotional connection between the reader and the Kyle - Soranik, which believe me, I wanted to get behind but sadly couldn't , And I TOTALLY ship Kyle and Sora , always have .

I'm also not a fan of Marvel's Cable so believe how i took to a pretty similar styled character in Rip .

The villain was very forgettable and the big reveal about his identity was so predictable that one could guess it being kilometers away .

The whole Will-powered-Decepticon thing was poorly executed and really the end felt annoying simplistic , dissapointing and anti-climatic .


This was the first Hal Jordan and GL corps storyarc that actually left me dissapointed , with lack of a new plot , slow pacing , dissapointing action and a lack of emotional attachment to the characters making it one poor outcome .But at the end of the day there are still charming qualities to look for in this book and the title still remains one of my favourties in DC rebirth. However I suggest you to not spend money on it unless if you have some to spend but not anything else to buy