A review by kathardistywrites
The Beckoning Shadow by Katharyn Blair


This book FED MY SOUL. If you've ever fought for something you thought out of reach. If you've ever felt alone and at the very end of your rope, this book is for you.

The main character starts off as this sad, yet FEISTY AF girl in our modern world and she is on the run. Something happened two years ago, something she did to her family, though we don't know what (at first). We do know the how of it, though. She has the powers of a harbinger. Aka she can manifest people's worst fears. There are many with powers, called oddities, but they're feared by the rest of humanity. They're also being hunted.

A group of oddities come to her rescue when her powers accidentally manifest in a diner in the Bay Area. With them, she discovers an underground fighting ring of oddities that can not only fight, but CONTROL their powers. It's too enticing to turn down. When a very cute and tortured boy offers to help train her to win the grand prize, it's an offer she can't refuse. The winner will get an unraveling, one chance to reverse the past.

THIS BOOK IS SO INCREDIBLE AND UNIQUE I honestly DO NOT KNOW WHY more people haven't read it. It is SO undervalued. The emotional arcs through the book are strong as iron and the magic system is unique beyond compare. I HIGHLY recommend this book!!!!!