A review by nixieknox
Every Kind of Wanting by Gina Frangello


As a reader lucky enough to have access to many pre-pub titles, there's nothing more thrilling than finding a title from a midlist author (whose previous title/s I've enjoyed) when I'm not expecting to. Big authors, I usually know their new book is coming long before I am looking for an ARC. Debut authors, I pick up what looks good. But when I'm browsing a shelf of galleys looking for something to read, and I unexpectedly spot an author I've read before, it makes my whole day.

When I spot an author like that and there's no reviews for the book yet, it's even better. Don't let anyone lie to you - being the first one at this particular party is awesome.

So that's how I felt going in. I read A Life in Men, and enjoyed it but it had a couple of faults that I thought might affect my reading of this book. Sometimes I almost get worried before I read, that I might not like the book as much as I want to, and so I put off actually reading it longer than I should.

But because I've been in a reading slump, I jumped right in to this, read it over the weekend, and really loved the whole thing. And as is sometimes the case when I read something early, I'm giving it five stars because I'm not railing against everyone else's THIS BOOK IS THE BEST. I bet if I went back and checked my five star ratings, most of them would be books I read super early or by Stephen King.

The characters had just enough/the right flaws to make them interesting. I do love a story told from multiple points of view. The prologue was a bit confusing but it was short and I muddled through. The story was deep enough to make me think, not predictable enough to be boring, enough bad and good happened to create a great balance (getting the right balance of resolution matters to me. I like for people to be rewarded/feel contentment but not so much that I'm like ew.) The story line was maybe a bit far out there at times with coincidences but not enough where my belief was attacked.

Loved it.