A review by emmirosereads
Queen of Extinction: A Dark Sleeping Beauty Fairytale Retelling by Erin St Pierre, Gwynn White



I ended up enjoying this book, and found it really interesting! The last few chapters definitely had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was next and how they would get out of the mess they were in.

I will be honest with you though, as I began reading this book I was pretty confused at what was going on but as I continued reading I began getting excited as things started connecting and really making sense. I found the world really interesting and I thought it was a really cool aspect that the disabled or infirm were actually made that way because of suppressed magic in them being held in because of the Guardians put in place long ago. At the same time finding out Princess Aurora is a Magical, and a very powerful one at that. I was left wanting to know so much more about this world these characters lived in, not just Aurora's own country. I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I'm hoping we get a little more depth into this world in the next book, but discovering what we did in this first book got me really interested.

I thought the character of Princess Aurora was really well done. We saw a really imperfect character, that grows and discovers who she really is and I think that's extremely important. I found myself connecting and sympathizing with her for her physical weakness, her brothers death, her abusive uncle, and her struggle to gain her rightful place on the throne. I really enjoyed and related to her fiery personality in standing up for herself and fighting for what she believes. Especially for the justice for the infirm in her country, but at the same time peace. She doesn't want to power over the Able, she wants equality for all her countrymen and I think that's a really important character quality. I really enjoyed seeing her stick up for that belief, even when her potential betrothed believed the Untalented belonged at their feet.

This story is told from three different third person limited point of views and I'm conflicted on how I felt about it. On one hand if the story was done in such a way just through the POV of just Aurora, a lot of suspense and drama would be added to the story as she discovers what her and her friends really are (at the same time we as the readers discover it for the first time.) On the other hand a lot of questions were easily answered and figured out as we see the story from the two other perspectives. Despite all of that I think all of the POVs were really well done, and the story flowed quite nicely. It was interesting to seeing Aurora through the eyes of a man who hated her and simply wants to use her, and seeing herd through the eyes of a man who is beginning to fall in love with her.

Overall this book was pretty great, and I enjoyed it! I'm excited to read more about this world and these characters, and see what happens.