A review by brucefarrar
Carnelians by Catherine Asaro


Eleven years after the events of [b:The Moon's Shadow|424936|The Moon's Shadow (Saga of the Skolian Empire, #8)|Catherine Asaro|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1316131714i/424936._SY75_.jpg|414017] Asaro returns her Saga of the Skolian Empire to the imperial courts of the rival empires of Skolia and their arch-enemies the Eubian “Traders,” the sadistic slave owners, who, unknown to all but a few, have an emperor that is not truly one of their own. Their emperor Jabriol is the son of their former emperor and of the former leader of the Skolian military. He is the nephew of Kelric, the current leader of the Skolian military. Together, the emperors have proposed a peace treaty.

Needless to say, there are factions on both sides that have no interest in peace, and they will make every attempt they can to scuttle the peace process, including releasing provocative songs, kidnapping, and assassinations. An additional complication initially unknown to the emperors, is the presence of another member of the Skolian royal family living within the Eubian empire.