A review by charonlrdraws
Assassin's Creed: The Official Movie Novelization by Christie Golden


Here's a funny story back in 2013 I had a brief experience playing the first game in this franchise, it didn't go down well per se. And yes Ubisoft has been milking this particular for a while I mean the premise is cool and has so much potential, did I mention in the first game you have to complete a very annoying tutorial before being able to play the damn game puts players off actually being stuck in a area of white and not being able to continue if you get stuck pretty awful if I do say so myself.

Anyway that aside this book was pretty good and I am curious to watch the movie, who knows might be good, the Ratchet and Clank movie was brilliant who's to say Assassin's Creed wont be? And I'll be giving it a chase like I do with all video game adaptations.

A summery for Assassin's Creed: The Official Tie-In:

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins.

Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day.