A review by alyssaindira
Nightblood by Elly Blake


**No spoilers were harmed in the making of this review**

"You are our only hope"

Hey guys, so I finished Nightblood by Elly Blake, which is the third book in the frostblood series, and I think the last? Anyway, I breezed through this novel because it was easy to read. Little unnecessary descriptions, dialogue, smoothly dropping into the story and figuring out what was going on. Of course by now you are already familiar with the characters and their situation and their future direction. It is just a question how everything will unfold. ANd it unfolded alright. The last bit of Ruby's journey was alright, had some danger, some romance, etc. But honestly...I think I was just reading it to see how everything ended. I was not truly invested. If I had been, I would have definitely cried or cared more. But I was just like "meh" and continued reading. NOw, I dont think this 'meh' attitude was from the book entirely. I think it was just me, waiting so long that I got detatched from the characters, and it was hard to reattach. It was a good book, do not get me wrong. Good story, good journey. But not mindblowing. Not pulse shaking, earth rattling...It could be, or it was, I just, could not experience that. There were some parts I really liked, mostly the one's involving the effect of powers and such, and when the characters raged at one another, lol. Other than that...it was just a story, there was not much character development or growth really, since that occurred in the first two books I guess. Of course, she doesnt end up with the guy I want. Because OF COURSE, that NEVER happens. I swear....why must I always get attatched to the underdogs and just hope they have a chance. UGH. So I am kinda pissed about that? But oh well, the author gonna do what the author is gonna do. So yes, nice enough story, the journey was fair. Not really that many twists and turns, but I do not think it was that kind of book. Least everything ends up how the author wanted it to end up, lol. Uh, I do not really know what else to say. Yes, Ruby struggles alot in thisbook with her self, thoughts, feelings, as usual. Kai deserved more page time but did not. Arcus was a protective dick. Not much else I can say...though Ruby with the darkness were some of the best parts of the book, tbh. **sighs** Okay, I might add more later...Remember, this is all my opinion, if you want your own, read the series. Till next time. Bye.