A review by ghoulomatic
Uncanny Valley: A Memoir by Anna Wiener


2.5/5 stars

Anna Wiener's memoir was excellent at first. I was eager to learn more and enthralled by the environment she put in my mind. Until it lost my interest. The first half is amazing, but it goes down from there.
She was reluctant to share information. Not the information such as business names and such, but information regarding both work and personal life. The reader does not get to know her nor any other person showcased in the book. I found the passage of time to be confusing. There were no clear dates or timelines, which is not ideal. It felt as if this book was not intended to be a memoir. It had no plot and had no emphasis on the parts it should have. It was advertised to be a critique of Silicon Vally's mistreatment towards women in the industry, and Anna's in-depth and inside look on it. Sure, it mentioned it, but the tone of the book and the direction of the book did not fully accomplish that. It is only a ghost of what it intended to do.
I was expecting more. I was expecting something riveting. I'm severely disappointed. I give this a 2 and a half star review, as it was truly a mid tear book. Half was great, half was bad. It was a middle-ground embodiment.
I don't recommend this book for people who are unfamiliar with Silicon Vally and its tech industry, nor do I reccomend it for people who want to learn more about it. It says so much yet says nothing, and it is not worth your time. That being said, I wont actively discourage the reading of the book. I learned a lot from it, even if it was mainly terminology and words.