A review by totallybookeduk
The New Guy by Kathryn Freeman


Sitting in a bar drinking champagne to mourn/celebrate the life of her Grumps (Grandad), Sam attempts to strike up a conversation with the stranger on the stool next to her. He's not much of a talker, but lucky for him Sam is more than happy to do most of the talking. A fumbling chat up line and a swift exit from the stranger makes Sam chase after him. Sparks flying she decides tonight is as good as time as any to have a one night stand (and possibly push her ex out of her mind).

It was just a one night stand but when Ryan sees his new boss walking across the foyer the next morning, realising that it was the woman from last night he's not sure how to handle this. Bantering back and forth it is clear that there is more chemistry between then than just one night. But can you date your boss?

With baggage on both sides they are thrown into each others lives throughout the coming months to get a new app launched. Can it really work between them? - Join Ryan and Sam as they laugh, cry and navigate a boss/employee relationship.