A review by xakyr
Affliction by River Savage


It has been a while since I read the first book in this series, so I didn't remember every detail, but the important parts came back to me. I wanted to really like this story, but it didn't quite live up to 4 star caliber for me.

It starts out overlapping the events of [b:Incandescent|22152589|Incandescent (Knights Rebels MC, #1)|River Savage|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1403783293s/22152589.jpg|41497483], but told from a different point of view. I really didn't like how Holly was portrayed in this overlap, and maybe that was intentional, but even when the tragedy happened, I couldn't shake my dislike of her, especially when she acted like a wimp and couldn't open up about everything that happened there.

Sy didn't help matters any, with his attitude, especially when his attitude got the better of him and he acted like a jerk to everyone. However, he had a good reason for not opening up and having a bad attitude, and it was shown in a series of flashbacks. I liked how we got to see the resolution of his past in this story.

We got a better look at club life and I could see some connections being made for subsequent stories. The story didn't drag, but it wasn't that great either. Definitely interested in continuing the series, but this isn't a good link in the chain for me.