A review by inniebin
Deviant Games by L.V. Lane


I think these three characters are one of my favourite things about this series. A new continued story from Lilian and I'm all set for the rest of the night! haha

L. V. Lane once again delivers in buckets! An absolutely fantastic addition to the series, and this time I felt the need to cry more than once, not necessarily because it's sad, but because there was just so much emotion this time.

Ryker my man...how he's GROWN! And by that, I don't mean his awesome sexy physique. ;) He has come heeps and bounds since the first introduction, and to see him caring and trying his best towards Lillian - and at the same time being his "annoying" self towards Ethan always brings out the laughter and smiles from me. I love the dude.

Ethan... I felt so sorry for him in parts of this book - because he found himself in more than one shitty position - and you just wanted to scream at the army; "GIVE THE MAN SOME SLACK!" haha.
He finds himself in what I thought was going to be an impossible position, but it turns out that I underestimated him quite a lot! And he surprised me!

Lillian...she's always been a very strong woman, and I've loved that about her. This time though, I feel we see more of her vulnerability. I don't wanna delve too far into that because it would be a spoiler - but she did pull my heartstrings more than once. One thing is for very sure though - the love she has for her Alphas is DEEP. And it's heartbreaking to read when she gets hurt. But she's an intelligent woman - even if a bit hormonal. ;)

Obviously, the small punishments delivered out throughout the book (spankings etc) are sexy to read - the book is (as always!) gonna make the sheets wet and you might need a fan... ;)

5 brilliant stars from me!

This book was given to me before publishing in exchange for an HONEST review. Sadly I fell ill shortly after that, and haven't been able to post this review until now. But here it is. :D