A review by tx2its
Stealing Home by J. Torres


Reading 2021
Book 82: Stealing Home by J. Torres

Thank you to #Netgalley for this copy of #stealinghome in exchange for my review. Pub date for this book is in October.

Sandy is a young Japanese boy living in Canada. He is obsessed with baseball and loves attending games with his dad and brother. When WWII starts Sandy and his family are forced into an internment camp. Baseball is one of the things that helps get Sandy through his time in the camps.

Reviewed for ages 9 and older this book and the wonderful art bring to life for middle grade readers what happened to Japanese people in North America during WWII. It is told in a way that kids can understand. I have read a couple of other books on internment, this one is good, but not as good as the others I have read, specifically George Takei's book They Called Us Enemy. My rating 3.5⭐.