A review by camila_caminioca
Year of No Clutter by Eve O. Schaub


*This book was given to me by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review – all opinions are my own.*
Oh what to say about this book. It was an interesting one. I requested this book on Netgalley because I expected it to be a bit more like Marie Condo and less like the diary of a mentally unstable person. But hey, I got something halfway in between. The beginning irritated me a little because there was just a lot of obsessive talk going on. While I could recognise some people of my family, cluttering isn't something that I can identity with many real people in my life, making some of the hoarder thoughts sound insane (like 'oh I can't throw away this dead mouse, it's basically a friend'...hm what?). BUT, and yes it's a big BUT, Schaub's writing is excellent. I laughed out loud and by half the book I was captivated by her quest, not just to clear the one 'hell room' in her house, but her way of seeing life and her relationship to 'things' in general. I really enjoyed it in the end and would recommend it to anyone who likes the idea of reading about someone decluttering their house.