A review by bexbooksandstuff
The Handover by David M. Barnett


This was a really sweet romance, starting off slowly it kept a steady pace throughout. It was easy to read and had some fun moments.

The story covers lots of big topics too from mental health, childhood trauma, alcoholism, domestic abuse to divorce. It tells them sensitively and they all have their place.

I enjoyed Daisy's character, she has a lot of deep seated trauma that have shaped the person she is now. Throughout the story and her friendship with Nate she uncovers things about herself that she likes, as well as some quite large reveals towards the end!
Nate seemed happy go lucky to begin with but he too had past trauma which had affected him in a huge way.

The story followed their journeys well and even though they rarely interacted much as their shifts swapped over. They formed a great friendship and more.

Told in dual perspective you saw the events from both characters opinions which I always enjoy.

I recommend this one.