A review by e04randy
The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley


I listened as an audiobook during a long drive to and from elko.

Even with literally nothing else to do but listen to this book it failed to keep my attention as most books do.

At times I'd nod my head in agreement, but other times I'd be screaming at the reader in disbelief.

The book basically talks about how free markets are the cure for everything from world hunger, Africa, and global warming. I do believe that markets are important, but within reason. The author claims any type of regulation ruins everything. At one point he said that wind farms killed 19 golden eagles and if an oil company did that they'd get sued.... The BP oil spill occurred the month before this book was published. Mostly his environmental claims are ridiculous. He cherry picks his data to suit his purpose.

Also through a bit of research I learned he was once in charge of a bank in Britain and used a 'high risk strategy' and ended up needed a 27 billion dollar bail out from the government he claims shouldn't be bailing people out. He caused the first bank run in the country for the first time in over 100 years.