A review by daisey
The Freedom Summer Murders by Don Mitchell


The Freedom Summer Murders is packed full of information about the three young civil rights workers who were murdered in Mississippi in 1964. It delves into the lives of these three men in a way that makes them seem more real and their deaths more tragic than in the other historical accounts I have read.

The book starts out with a description of the events of the murder, then goes into a detailed description of each of the three young men that was killed, moves on to the investigation and search for the bodies, and continues on through the years to follow the cases to prosecute involved KKK members. After all of this, it goes on to provide brief descriptions of others involved in researching the facts and working towards justice.

Although I found the story interesting, I think it would have been even more powerful to introduce each of the men and describe their background first, so that the reader would better experience the impact of their choices to participate in the civil rights activities and their murders. Additionally, the book was so full of information that even I was sometimes surprised by how many pages I still had left to read. I find it hard to imagine many teen readers would be willing to make their way all the way through it.

* I received an electronic copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review.