A review by kariann_reading_journey
Ne'er Duke Well by Alexandra Vasti


Vasti has officially become an auto buy author for me. I am obsessed with her regency era romance novels. I love that she includes characters that aren’t free from scandal and Ne’er Duke Well fits perfectly into the mix. I mean what’s not to love about a woman who has single handedly taken on the task of teaching women of the ton about sexual and reproductive natures. Selina has officially become one of my favorite female main characters ever. She is particularly efficient at completing tasks all while harboring a heart of gold. On the flip side, the male main character, Peter, has such adorable golden retriever energy. I love how he went out of his way to do what he felt was right to help someone even if it landed him in the scandal sheets. I also adored how much he loved his siblings and how he was willing to do anything to gain custody of them. Selina and Peter were so well matched and balanced that their relationship development was perfection. I also loved the banter between the two. It’s my favorite thing, and it was expertly utilized between the two MCs. I also really enjoyed the little Halifax Hellions name drop. While they weren’t featured, it was fun seeing them mentioned and then promptly discarded as a suitable match for Peter. There were so many memorable moments too that will stick with you from the dog rescue, to the book store show down, to the court room. This book will send you through a rollercoaster of emotion and leave you wanting more. I highly recommend adding it to your TBR pile.
ARC courtesy of the author