A review by cerizeseries
The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie


This book is the first of Tommy Beresford and Tuppence Cowley’s adventures for their little job. The two are best friends since they were young and lost touch over the years. They met again in 1916 when Tommy got injured (it was during the war) and Tuppence is working as a nurse. They have no money and are both looking for work. Now, this job they thought of, is not exactly detective work – I’d say an espionage, maybe? But in the book, I felt like Agatha made it seem like they were doing some investigation or something but that’s just me.

Now, I absolutely adore the two young couple. They are absolutely cute together and their conversations are both very believable and really witty. Their endless banter is really ridiculous, you’d want to roll them both in a towel like a burrito and take them home so you could cuddle them together.

The beginning of this book was great, but then when they started with the job, I find that there was TOO MUCH coincidences. They are just too damn lucky. While my love for the characters are over the top, the story itself does not work for me. I was confused at some time during the who’s bluffing who and I had to reread several passages to get it. Definitely not Agatha’s best work but she can do no wrong, and even when she does, I still end up liking it.

Overall, would I recommend it? Only if you want to get some sheer fun of getting to know the author. Would I read the rest of the series of Tommy and Tuppence? Yes. I want to laugh while reading about their banters again. 😊