A review by graypeape
Plastic Soup by Judith Koppens, Andy Engel


A group of animal friends go to the beach and discover the water is polluted with plastic trash. One of them, who has been reading a magazine article about this issue, tells the others how plastic trash is ending up in the ocean through polluted rivers, streams, and other waterways, about the dangers to wildlife in the waters and surrounding areas, and they discuss what they can do to help fix the problem. They discuss reducing the amount of disposable plastic products they use, and reusing disposable plastic products- they make kites from the plastic bags they used to bring their food and other items in. So they hit the points of reduce and reuse, though they miss out on recycle- there could easily have been a bin for plastic bottles on the beach by adding one more picture spread. Overall, however, this quick story serves to start the conversation about becoming more environmentally responsible, and even offers a craft project at the back to decorate a reusable canvas bag for shopping. A good start for littles!

#PlasticSoup #NetGalley