A review by hannahhmh
A Princess in Theory by Alyssa Cole


All the characters felt like charicatures. The hard working poor student, the spoiled prince, the icey queen, the cold hearted villain etc. The main characters velcro theory felt like something pulled from every other romance book ever.
I can't take Thesolo as a country seriously because it's full of contradictions. It seemed like some utopia with the best social services, but somehow they are also poor enough to consider selling land for mining. This town is befitted with all the latest climate-saving technology, but the only way to get there is by donkey. How did they even install their tech?

The science in this book is awful. First of all, everyone assumes it's an infectious epidemic for absolutely no reason. Then, once the main character invents a theory it's based on tea poisoning, everyone assumes she's right, problem solved! The symptoms aren't described, they are allowing visitors into the hospital while they don't know how the disease spreads and no actual research is described in this book.
Our main character thinks in science metaphors, one of them being her phospholipid bilayer. She mentions it's enough for prokaryotes to keep others out so it's good enough for her. Of course it is! In fact, every single cell of her body is covered in it. It's not just how bacteria keep their insides seperated, it's how all life does. This is a really ridiculous nitpick but it bothered me immensely.
It felt like the author perused a high school biology book and picked out a few cool sounding words.