A review by thesgtrekkiereads
Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan


When the gorgeous Kathryn lane recommended me this title.. it proved the woman knows her friend very well.

a book about food written by a comedian. BINGO!

This has so climbed up the ranks to be one of a fave reads!!

I love how he describes the food and places to eat that he loves and rips apart those he doesn't. this is a man passionate about what he puts in his mouth and tumtum.

one bizarre anecdote is when he speaks of ketchup and says he puts it on sushi. I understand he doesn't have a love for fish but hun.. No no no..

apart from the fish thing.. most times in fact, i feel like he can read some of my innermost thoughts about food..

mr gaffigan is brilliant and I hope he comes up with more books..

I've already gotten hold of his first title.