A review by phyrre
The Einsteins of Vista Point by Ben Guterson


You can read my full review on my blog, The Bookwyrm's Den, here.

Many thanks to Christy Ottaviano Books and TBR and Beyond Tours for an eARC in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.


The Winterhouse series is a hugely popular series at my library. Kids can’t seem to get enough of it, and our copy goes out regularly. While I’ve never read it myself, when I saw that the author had a new book coming out, I figured that I should definitely check it out! So here we are.

The Einsteins of Vista Point is a heartwarming story about a family working together to heal after the loss of a sibling, mixed with touching sibling bonds and a small mystery.

I didn’t love this book as much as I thought I would, mostly because I had expected a mystery and this really felt more like a general fiction contemporary book. The mystery was so painfully obvious that I guessed it almost immediately and was kind of bummed to find that I had called everything right away. I think readers who go in expecting more contemporary and less mystery will really enjoy this book, though. The setting is fantastic, the characters are great, and the interactions between family members are funny and uplifting!

My Thoughts

- The Einsteins of Vista Point is set in a picturesque small town setting that will feel immediately familiar to rural readers. Vista Point has a history. Not always a pleasant one, either. The town has its secrets, which the Einsteins are slowly learning about as the past comes back to haunt them. But then again, what small town would be complete without its history and secrets?

I really liked the descriptions of Vista Point. It seems like such a quiet, idyllic place to live! I definitely felt flashbacks to my own childhood as the Einsteins explored the woods and went swimming in a random pond they found. For urban readers, this book may be a bit eye-opening as to what life is like in small towns, but as a small town native, born and raised, I thought Guterson hit the nail on the head with this setting! Plus, the descriptions just make you feel like you’re there.

Also, the Tower sounds absolutely amazing and I’m jealous that we don’t have one. Don’t know what the Tower is? Guess you’ll just have to read it to find out.