A review by abbywebb
Critical by Robin Cook


When I first started reading this book, I expected Jack Bauer to appear at any minute. Alas, no such luck.

I liked the medical theme that this book offered, I guess I'm just not that enthralled by mysteries. Also, the writing is unlike what I am accustomed to reading. For some reason, there were gangsters talking like they had PhDs. I just thought that was a bit inconsistent, not that I know any gangsters in real life.

Oh and can I mention the abrupt ending?! At least there was an epilogue. There was one character, Angela, who was a major character and then was never mentioned for almost the second half of the book. Like I said, a tad inconsistent.

This book probably deserves more than two stars, but I'm not comfortable going up to three stars, so let's just leave it where it is.