A review by madeleine_grace
Devil's Brood by Sharon Kay Penman


Let's be real....I'd read anything that Sharon Kay Penman wrote even if it's like her grocery list....not trying to sound creepy at all. I JUST REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE HER!
That being said, I feel conflicted about this book....I did not think it was the strongest of the series or even her strongest book in general but I felt it also contained some of the best scenes in the Penman canon...the scene when Henry learns of Hal's death was heart-breaking and chilling, when Constance and Geoffrey care for Aenor in the nursery and when RANULF FINALLY GOES HOME AND STAYS WITH RHIANNON....guys, I wept like a small child which was unfortunate as I was on a plane at the time. However, the beauty of these scenes is partially derived from the fact that I have gotten to know these characters over three (very long) books and have become really attached to them.

There some things that were really well-done:
Rosamund Clifford.....fabulous lady. Loved her in this...she really matured more and came alive in this novel

Constance....loved her shrew-like nature and her lack of sentimentality. Great character.

Will Marshall---Will Marshall was boss in this. I loved him and found a great amount of respect for his character.

I do have some criticisms however.

The first being.... WHERE WAS MY HOMEBOY RANULF???????????????

Ranulf, my literary husband, I missed you a lot. I have maintained that I would be happy if the books were jut about Ranulf. I understand the character was older and not as active but even when he was there, he wasn't really important and I missed him a great deal.

I also wished that Alys was given more emotion, she was very 2-dimensional.

The portrayal of the mercenaries were also weirdly unsympathetic and bordered cartoonish.

Geoffrey and Constance's relationship---don't me wrong I loved the two of them together but it was too easy. I understand that Penman couldn't waste a lot of time but still...she's done "he's not that bad because he doesn't rape you" ploy before and it has become a cliché.
Also...what's with all the happy marriages??? There's like two unhappy marriages in all three books. Anyway....

It was a mixed bag though I do have Lionheart at home....SO PUMPED!