A review by turquoiseavenue
How to Kiss Your Best Friend by Jenny Proctor


How to Kiss Your Best Friend is my first book by this author. The main characters, Kate and Brody, were adorable together! This story had a great small-town, mountain home feel which I adored since I'm from the area this book is set in. It was fun reading about some of my favorite places and activities.

With a lifelong friends-to-lovers trope, Proctor captivated me with her pacing, internal dialogue from both main characters' POV, and the wide range of emotions they experienced. Brody's personality, genius and gentlehearted nature was incredibly sweet and he won me over immediately. Kate took some time to grow on me but as the story went on, I did begin to understand her better and liked her just as much as Brody by the end. The secondary characters were only so-so in my opinion, with the exception of Brody's mama. There was one hilarious laugh-out-loud moment that I chuckled a good bit over, but only a few "smile crackers" strewn throughout. As a result, the comedy was on the mild side for me. There was a heavy focus on Kate's physical attraction to Brody's now adult physique and it became repetitive so I grew a little tired of her attraction being the catalyst for sarcasm and wit.

I didn't feel a particular pull to read any more of this series after meeting all four of the Hawthorne brothers in this story as none of them really interested me as much as Brody (well, perhaps Perry and his brooding nature), but I am willing to revisit the series in the future and see if the other brothers can measure up.

Overall, a clean read. As a Christian reader, I felt this rom/com leaned heavily toward secular readers with a bit of lust and focus on the outward appearance, one scene that some may find unnecessary and a handful of words/actions that some Christian readers may prefer to avoid.

Content Notes For This Book (Not the entire series):
Main Character Age: Mid-Upper twenties
Romance: Clean, Steamy - detailed kissing, touches and embraces, a nude scene (no details), a strong physical attraction, one instance of "wanting her in his bed (in the context of marriage).
Profanity: No profane language, a couple of uses of "pissed"
Violence: None
Negative: None
Spiritual: None
Alcohol: Mention of drinking which appears to be a normal, accepted behavior, drinking underage, mention of being drunk, using alcohol as a means of self-soothing.
Potential Triggers: Death of loved one, divorce, infidelity.

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*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary advanced reader copy of this book from the author. All thoughts are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.