A review by mtomchek
Thirst for Salt by Madelaine Lucas


"Who is to say what love is or what it wants to be, the shape it takes, or how quickly it comes on? Love has always made a fool of time."

"There is no end to grief, because there is no end to love."

"As all lovers learn, when love ends, you lose the future as well as the past."

"It never really foes away, the longing for the life not lived because isn't that part of how we come to know ourselves too? Through what we lack as much as what we have, all we dream but do not hold. Some desires have no resolution."

Such a beautiful, touching, and wonderful novel. Madelaine Lucas not only created this rich story, about two people in love, but also exposes the reader to the wonder of Australia. The beaches, the sun, the cold, the fires - I could feel it all in my bones, on my face, as I read the pages. So enriching and my heart was full and warm, then touched and broken. Relatable and exquisite. We must power on even when the heart feels small and empty and yearning for someone.