A review by mehsi
De Braniebende by Tom Fletcher


Green stinky storms, a weird town, superpowers?, friendship, and more! A delightful and hilarious book!

NOTE: I read this book in Dutch. I have no clue what the English names for everything is, so I am going to be using the Dutch names.

Meet Frenkie, he just moved to the little town of Bizar (though I guess if one moves from Grijsdorp it is an improvement) and misses his dear friend Dani a lot. We see how he tries to make the best of things and writes letters to his friend Dani. And then a big green poopy stinky storm happens and things get very weird and very bizarre. The story gets more and more magical and silly with each new month and I just LOVE LOVE LOVED it. It may have come over a bit episodic, but I think it wouldn’t have worked in another way given this book takes place over a year. It would just be too big or you would lose tons of story.

I had so much fun finding out what was going on with that storm and what it meant for each character. I won’t spoil anyone’s superpowers you will just have to read this fun book to find out, but I have to say if I had to rank the superpowers I would do it this way:

Erik (though a bit inconvenient, but still awesome)
I also loved seeing what happened to the town and that the storm didn’t just affect the children. It affected a lot more!

Then there are shadows lurking and stalking, inventions being made, there are secrets (and one I definitely didn’t see coming about a certain character who I wasn’t a fan of because of their responsibilities that they didn’t seem to take). The club has a lot of things to figure out and I loved seeing them get together and do things. I am so happy that Frenkie found friends so fast and that he has so much fun in his new town.

I loved that this book was all in letters (almost one for each month). I loved seeing what happened in Bizar every month and what happened to each of Frenkie’s new friends or what happened in the town. As the storm really made things even weirder. Even spookier. Even stinkier. Even greener. I loved seeing the little hints that he was interested in more than just being friends though also quickly missing it as soon as he did, which is adorable and also so fitting for his age. I do wonder how Dani reacted to all the crazy and weird stories that Frenkie told her. I can only imagine.