A review by noorandbooks
The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan


"Greeks!" Percy yelled. "Let's, um, fight stuff!"

They yelled like banshees and charged.
screams so loud that like i don't know i guess i could rival Achilles's scream

SO THE THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE FIRST: where was like half the cast? Percy? Hazel? And yeah that's kind of it. The rest of the characters being pushed to the back didn't bother me as much as these two.


THE NICO AND REYNA CHAPTERS WERE DELICIOUSLY PAINFUL. The little Nico stan in me. Feral. Fed. Happy. Content. Will go into hibernation for a few years.
That word didn't make sense to Nico. The Underworld had no mercy. It only had justice.

"You're already dead," Nico said. "You're a ghost with no tongue, no memory. You won't be sharing any secrets."
(Also the fact that like Will being in Nico's life for ten minutes gave him more confidence to like tell Percy to his face that he had a crush on him. Yeah I just. I'm not okay over that. Life boy and death boy. Wow, this will in no way in the future haunt me!)
Will rolled his eyes. "Fine, Death Boy. If you want to get yourself killed-"

"Do not call me Death Boy!"
And and the Annabeth-Piper interactions? Yeah.
"But I don't... this doesn't make sense."

"No," Piper agreed. "Stop thinking about it. Just *feel*."

"I *hate* that."
Yeah my brain is just. Exploding. I really, really liked this book and how like Leo got to be a big shot! Hah! But no, the prophecy was fulfilled and then and then
"So we take off with no plan," Calypso said. "No idea where we'll go or what problems await beyond this island. Many questions, and no tidy answers?"

Leo turned up his palms. "That's how I fly, Sunshine. Can I get your bag?"

I need a twelve year sleep. Going to join sleepy boy at sleepy cabin.