A review by nightwillowfox
Feed by Mira Grant


I am not one for Zombies but the way this one person talked about the book made me want to read it. As I was reading it had another topic I don't care much for and that is Politics but I will give the author credit in weaving politics and zombies into a story.
I found the story slow and in some ways wanted a little more Zombie action in the book. Maybe the other books in the series will have it but this one didn't. It has some action in some parts but I found the book over all dry.
Plus I found the 2 main character's even though adopted and raised as brother and sister, since it sounds like they were not brother and sister by blood(I could be wrong). The book made them sound like lovers and it just kind of creep me out.
I am hoping the other books are more interesting since I am one of those people that once I start a series I have to finish it. But it will take me a long time to finish it.