A review by princesszinza
The Gatekeeper: Missy LeHand, FDR, and the Untold Story of the Partnership That Defined a Presidency by Kathryn Smith


I'd like to thank Netgalley for an advance copy of this book for a fair review.

Being of a certain age and raised conservatively, it's far easier for me to dream of being a person like Missy LeHand than it is to be Hillary Clinton.

It would be fantastic to be taken in by the Roosevelts, to live in the White House and to live history first hand. If I had known about Missy LeHand as a child, I'm sure I would've dreamed of growing up to be like her. Imagine being the first person in America to learn of Hitler's invasion of Poland!

I've never read a biography of Franklin or Eleanor Roosevelt. This book makes me want to read more about both of them. Franklin is portrayed as remote but thoughtful. Eleanor seemed like a difficult person. She wanted to save the world but only if it could be saved her way and on her schedule.

Missy got to know many interesting characters who intersected with the Roosevelts. She had a romance but never marriage or children. Her life was her career.

Missy was able to navigate between the Roosevelts, all the advisors and the White House staff. Unfortunately, her life and career ended premature and abruptly.

I completely enjoyed learning about this forgotten woman and her life in the White House.