A review by elifg2
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater


I really liked this book and here are my views on it....

*I totally loved Gansey! He is sooo cute and adorable. I especially love the way he is so protective over his friends and how much he cares for them.

*I felt so bad for Adam. That fucking dad of his beating him up because he has no life. I am VERY happy that he FINALLY moved out from that house. And what type of a mother is his mum?! How can she let her son be beaten everyday, just cause his dad felt like it or found something Adam had done 'wrong'.

*Blue's character didn't really effect me. I dont really have any positive feelings about her.

*HOW DARE BLUE 'GO OUT' WITH ADAM, WHEN SHE KNOWS GANSEY'S HER TRUE LOVE?! I don't care about the fact that Adam is going to do something wrong in the following books! That kid does not need to be hurt AGAIN.

*I don't really get why this book couldn't only be one or two books. I hope that Maggie Stiefvater doesn't ruin the book. The maximum amount of books she should write for this 'series' should be 3.

*Finally, my last point will be that this is kind of a very basic story. What I mean by that is that you can guess what is going to happen in the other books. UNLESS, she decides to add a stupid twist and RUIN the series.

I am very sorry if my opinion has hurt/offended you in anyway of form, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this is mine.

This book is the new Perfect Chemistry for me!!! (for those of you that don't know, I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE PERFECT CHEMISTRY.) I CANNOT wait till September for the next book to come out!!

P.S. Apparently I was wrong, there are going to be 4 books in this series....Well, I guess more books for me to love!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh how wrong I was.So naive. I'm sorry the 0 amount of people who have read this. (21/07/2015)